Thursday, March 1, 2012

Words for Wednesday: Daughter of Fortune

Finally finished The Girl Who Played with Fire- very good.  Although I think the author tried too hard with too many characters.  I think some of the investigative team and some of the John's could have been combined into one character.  But yeah, great book but I am going to take a breather before starting the next.

I meant to start up on a book that a friend gave me for Christmas next but got stuck in a situation where I had free time at work and had a different book on me.  So now I am reading, Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende.  It was an Oprah's Book Club selection but I got it for $2.00 at a book sale.  It was last winter when I was using Barnes&Nobel gift cards and wanted the biggest/cheapest books- aka the most bang for my buck.

So far I have lucked out as it is pretty enthralling.  I have only been reading for about two days and I already am up to page 81.  Not impressive but at the same time good considering I had work, part-time work, choir, and house stuff on both of those days.  So far it is about an abandoned baby who is taken in by three siblings.  The siblings are grown and consist of one serious brother, one adventurous sailor brother, and an "old maid" sister who is actually just a woman shirking the conventions of a normal life in the 1840s.  She doesn't want to get married because men seem boring to her and wives even more so.

It is set in Chile which is interesting in itself.  At least the start of it is.  From reading the jacket cover it seems like we will be moving onwards soon.  The siblings are actually British so it is a unique tale considering the time period and the idea of early immigrants.

Anyway, will let you know how it goes but it already seems like a good read, and you can't beat $2.

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