Friday, March 16, 2012

Words for Wednesday: The Woman in Black

So it's Friday today, but I started reading this book last Wednesday.  That counts, right?

I finished Daughter of Fortune and was upset at how abruptly it ended.  I would gladly have read on to read more details about whether or not Rose ever found Eliza or what really happened to Joaquin, but instead the book just tied everything up in tight little bow.  Pretty, but not satisfying.

Anyway, the new book is reading pretty quickly and I am thinking it might also end quite abruptly considering I am over half way through and I feel like the story is just getting started.  The book is called The Woman in Black and it was given to me by my friend Gemma.  I am normally not one for ghost stories or hauntings (except for Wait Til Helen Comes, Goosebumps, and R.L. Stein's books), but this one is turning out to be fun.

It is the story of a lawyer who travels north from London to attend the funeral of an old recluse and then gather her "papers" to bring them back to the firm.  I can't seem to figure out what time period it is in because it reads very old, like early 1900's, but then there seem to be mentions of cars.  I know that there were cars at that time, but there seem to be quite a lot.

Anyway, the man sees a ghost (or maybe a ghost) at the funeral and can't get anyone in town to tell him anything about what really goes on at the house the old lady lived at.  It is one of those stories that seems the same as a million others I've heard, but one that is still engaging so you read on (like romantic comedies- we all KNOW how they will end, but we go to new ones all the same).  Apparently there are a lot of stage adaptions of the book and even a new movie starring Daniel Radcliff.  It is fairly short and reads quickly, so I recommend it for vacation or light reading.

Here is the trailer for the film. It might be good to read it before the movie.

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