Monday, February 20, 2012


I wish I could be more open on this blog.  Right now I don't know who exactly reads what so I can't exactly name names or even refer to specific events as I don't want to get in the middle of anything.  I really just need to make a password so that only people who don't know me would be able to read my venting and juicy gossip.

But seriously, what is it with this time of year and the drama?  Not only in Japan, but I have also been hearing things about home as well.  I personally think it is the season.  First off, everyone is sick of winter and sick of being cooped up inside.  Second, there's not much to look forward too.  Sure we had V-day and some random festivals, but really there's not much when you compare it to summer and the lead-up to Christmas/New Year's.

I think as far as Japan goes, it is the time of the year when people are faced with the choice of whether to stay or to go, and with that choice comes a lot of stress.  The school year ends at the end of March so February is when you have to make the real decision about what you are going to do, and that can be scary.  Also, for those of us who do decide to move on there is the thought that, well it doesn't matter what I do now because I am leaving soon enough anyway and going far away.  The old, What happens in Japan...can't be translated.  I went through that stage, but then decided to stay, making it a bit awkward in some areas of my life.

But anyway, drama drama drama and not a thing I can do about it but sit back, laugh, and silently hope that the newbies coming in will be a lot less dramatic.  That's the (somewhat sad) thing about staying in Japan long term- you don't care as much about people because you know they are probably just drifting through anyway.  You have fun, you go out, you offer support, but you don't invest any true feelings or try to get too involved with any drama.

Or maybe that is just me getting older???

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