Wednesday, June 8, 2011


So after the fabulous Ben Folds concert you would think the rest of the weekend would be just one big let down, but it was quite nice.  Amy and I naturally woke up early after our crazy night in Hiroshima.   The concert was followed by McDonald's and puricura- the sticker machine booth thing.  There was a yukata (summer kimono) fair going on so all of the booths were packed with girls and guys dressed to the nines, but we found one.  I feel bad for not being more fun but my feet hurt (the bad side to heels at a standing only concert), I was broke, and we had a 1am curfew at the hostel.  The curfew sucks but the hostel is decent considering and you get your own room and bathroom and parking is only 700yen- and it is only a block from the Peace Museum- it is the Aster Plaza if you will be in Hiroshima.

Anyway, we were up and out by 9am and decided to hit the road.  We had just been to Hiroshima last month and we are going to Osaka next weekend, so we weren't missing much.  We ended up getting home by noon.  I was surprised to find Motoaki there since he was supposed to have gone surfing.  But, there were no waves that day.  So, not wanting to waste a free day, we hit the road and went to Kurashiki for a movie, shopping, and lunch. 

Motoaki had been wanting to see Pirates of the Caribbean 4 and this was our chance.  We both have been busy busy busy with work and play lately.  In Japan movies are far away from where I live and they are expensive (about 22 dollars and no options of matinee), so we don't go much.  Plus, hardly anything comes out over here or it comes out late.  Still, I love movies and will see anything.  I actually liked the movie.  Sure, it was "just another sequel" but at least we had new characters without losing Jack.  I must say, as brilliant of a mood it was to cast Johnny Depp, I also think it was absolutely spot on to cast Geoffrey Rush as Barbossa.  After awhile I get a bit tired of Johnny Depp being, well, Johnny Depp but Geoffrey Rush keeps it outrageous yet contained.  And I enjoyed the adding of Penelope Cruz and Ian McShane as Black Beard.  I think the previous two Pirates movies were a bit confusing and this one brought it back to a simple mission and crews.

After the movie we went to the pet store to look at the dogs (someday... although there was an incredibly cute Yorkie) and then to the sports shop where we ended up buying a stair machine.  I am not an impulse buyer and had actually seen this machine the last time we had gone to this mall, probably a month or two ago.  I was really unsure about it because I hadn't really educated myself on the differences in machines and there happened to be 2 there- one for 50 dollars and one for 147.  We got the cheaper one and it seems to be a good machine ( ). 

Before I used to climb the stairs in my apartment building but that would be sometimes embarrassing (especially when it is hot and I just want to wear a tank top and a pair of boxers) and probably annoying to the people who share a wall with the stair case.  But with this small machine I can stay in the living room in my skimpy workout gear AND watch TV.  And even Motoaki was surprised at how hard the little machine actually was.  Here's hoping it helps.  I hate that my sister is getting all fit and skinny!  I should just take up jogging but I loathe running outside and I don't have a gym to fit my schedule (the gyms in our area open at like 10 and close like at 8).

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