Sunday, January 6, 2013

Robin: 1 Month

So this is late (and already on Facebook) but I want to add it to the blog so I can keep it for the future.  I also realized that I never added to her birth story that her middle name is Nagisa (凪沙) which means calm waters.

I stole these two ideas from two blogs that I love (or loved- I think both ladies are taking a break these days).  The first picture I stole from Umebossy and it is simply Robin witha  paper staing her age and the date (she turned on month on Jan. 2nd).

The second I got from Nay at Chasing Happiness in Japan.  She takes a picture each month of her baby with the same teddy bear so that you can see the baby grow.  We got this lovely Harrods Bear from Grandma Fujiwara and he is perfect for the job.  I named him Phillip and he is quite lovely.

Anyway, I am not sure what the "one month milestones" are (I just downloaded a baby book to my kindle on Friday) so I am not sure if Robin has met them, but I will say what I do know.

-Right now at one month she is pretty good at holding her head up while being held or when placed on my chest.  I've never timed it or anything.  We have been extremely lazy with tummy time (partially because our floor is horrible right now and partially because of all the holiday stuff) but this week I am going to get on that so hopefully we will see exactly what that little body can do.

-She is pretty much exclusively eating formula at this point and is up to about 3 ounces every 3 hours, though sometimes she eats almost every hour (growth spurt days).  We are going to her one month check in on the 7th and hopefully her weight is fine.  Motoaki said that sometimes they put babies on diets here if they are being overfed...

-She sleeps from about 11-3 and then from about 3:30-7.  This is actually pretty good.  Though I know this could change at any day, it is nice to have her somewhat on a schedule.  It can be a little tiring but it's better that we know what to expect.  She is starting to be more and more alert during the day and will sometimes stay awake for up two hours and a half at a time.

-She is barely fitting into newborn clothing but that is partially due to her fluffy butt (slang for cloth diapers).  She lives in 0-3 month footed pjs, but the legs are slightly too long.

-Cloth diapering is going well so far.  We had some leaks in the first few days but that was because the pocket diapers were too big for her legs (pee would come out the leg holes) and she was too heavy of a wetter for the nb all in ones (cheapy THX- I think those would have worked if we would have used them the first week rather than waiting until the third week).   But her fitteds and covers are working marvelously.  Since she has gained a bit of weight, though, I think I will try pockets again this week as well as some BG all in ones I ordered.   I know that might be confusing for the non-cloth diaperer.  I'm really excited it has been working so well.
Her first CD- a THX.
Second CD- another THX (her pretty one).  Unfortunately these only lasted about an hour...
A BG Flip Cover with an Ashar fitted underneath.  These things rock.  No leaks and she doesn't really notice when she is wet, only when she poos.

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