Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bieber Fever!

(written on May 19)

So living in Japan has its perks and one of those is that I can miss out on some of the annoying trends that come to America.  Though Japan has a lot of annoying ones itself, I can usually avoid them by not watching certain TV channels and by not understanding the language.  But recently one of those trends has found its way to me.

This year I got a new co-worker who is a young girl fresh out of college.  And I mean FRESH.  Very nervous about the whole job and a little naive.  I haven't gotten to the point where I think of myself as "old" yet (oh the advantage of marrying someone older) but next to this girl, I am.  One of the sure tell signs is her obsession with American Pop Idols.  And not just any pop (after all, I love Gaga), but Disney Pop.  As in she'll come up to me all excited and ask if I know the show "Hannah Montana" which has just premiered on a Japanese channel.  I feel bad because I know she just wants to be friends and is looking for a way to connect with "the American" but, well, I am not 13 years old and even when I was, I left that sort of thing (Hannah Montana, the Jonas Brothers) up to Maggie (aka Mrs Lance Bass).  But I try to be nice to and humor and bring up the few teeny songs/TV shows I do know (Glee) while trying to slip in something a little more mature like "Mad Men."

Recently this coworker has discovered Justin Bieber and in a big way.  On Wednesday she came in all excited to tell me that he was "In JAPAN!!!!"  I asked, "Oh, so you are going to see him?" (cause why else bring it up) and she was like, "Oh, no, he is in Tokyo.  But he arrived this morning and I can see him on the news tonight."  I smiled politely but didn't comment further.

Then last night I was going through magazines that needed to go to the recycling center and I found my Vanity Fair that had done a cover article on Justin Bieber.  So I thought, what the heck, I'll give it to her.  It will start up a friendship and improve her English (have you read Vanity Fair?  it can improve anyone's English as there are words in there I don't know!).

So this morning to make it a surprise I slipped it on her desk while she was out (in Japanese schools all of the teachers desks are in one big office room and hers is next to mind).  She came back in the room and at first didn't see it, but when she did, man did she scream. A big 14 year old just spotted the cast of Twilight scream.  She realised it was from me and started gushing all over about it.

Now maybe I am sounding mean.  After all, we all have different things we like and I get just as excited about seeing certain books in the book store or seeing Dr Pepper.  But I kind of also believe that certain things should be kept out of the workplace.  Thus, I got a little nervous/embarrassed that she was getting so excited in front of all of the other teachers.  The day hadn't quite started yet and a lot of teachers were up milling around the coffee pot,etc and of course they had to come over and see what the excitement was about.

Then, to my horror, they all started getting just as excited.  I am talking 30yr old/ 40yr old adult professionals.  They started saying that they should use the school's color printer to make copies of the spread in Vanity Fair for the other teachers since I only had one copy of the mag.  Haha- the best part was when they asked the male English teacher who is VERY macho to come help translate some of the words (apparently my Japanese/English ability isn't up to the task of the Bieber just yet).  To my utter shock he actually knew who Justin Bieber was, but he made some comment about it being, "a silly 17 year old boy," and walked away before translating.

AND PS  I will admit to liking the Justin Bieber video with Usher and the dance crews (see below).  But that is strictly for the dancing, not his hair cut.

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