And we're back... Hopefully for good this time. I am back at work so the regular schedule should help me stay regular. Being a SAHM was just way too unstructured for me.
turned six months on June 2nd and for me I don't feel like she has
changed much since she was three months. But maybe that is because I
see her everyday. She was rolling around three months but now doesn't
do it much except for when she is asleep. I think because she is
content to scoot on her back to get things and when she is on her
stomach she just wiggles her legs. She has become a champion bouncer
and would do that all day everyday if we let her.

week she started daycare but only went half days at it is a rule for
beginners. Though she did cry in the mornings the staff reported (we
get a little notebook that they write in everyday) that she calmed down.
Since she was only there for about four hours, she mostly just ate and
slept. Although they did say that one day the older kids were singing
and Robin was quite entranced. I hope she can carry a tune and sing in
the children's choir that is connected with my adult choir.
Unfortunately she came home Friday with a cold that
included fever, throwing up, cough, etc This was way worse than the
surgery she had in January, IMO, because we were kind of our own as far
as what to do when. We went to the Dr and got medicine, but it was
impossible to get her to take it and then to make sure it stayed down.
She kept throwing up. Then at 8:30pm when she was sleeping, we kept
wondering if we should wake to feed her because she hadn't held anything
in since about noon. I was afraid she would get dehydrated but also
felt bad waking her and going through the stress of getting her to eat
again. Luckily she woke up twice that night and ate a bit and Saturday
managed to eat and take her medicine. At the hospital with her surgery
it was easy as they had IVs and nurses to tell us when to feed her. By
Monday she was pretty much back to herself but the weekend felt like it
lasted forever.
this she also puked on me for the first time and it was horrible. I
have been peed on and will take that. I think I would even take poop
over puke as her puke smelled like spoiled milk. Sorry if that is a bad
image for some.
has become humid and hot which brings all new worries as a parent. I
worry if she is comfortable and I worry about Japanese insects. She has
already had one small mosquito bite but she didn't really seem to
notice it. Though I haven't seen any yet I am worried about the giant
bees, wasps, and centipedes that come out in summer. And though we
figured out it was non-poisonous, there was a big snake in the yard one
morning that just made me want to pack up Robin, Finn, and Tom and move
to Iowa where the summer bugs are cute- like lightening bugs. I am
being a little silly since most stuff doesn't get into the house and
Robin is still a little too young to be out in the yard (if we had
grass, maybe, but we only have rocks....).
teeth or words yet but Robin has discovered how to blow spit bubbles
and seems to have a knack for comedic timing. When we were visiting
temples on an island near Hiroshima, many women would stop to comment
how cute she was, to which she would respond with blowing spit. As if
to say, leave me alone granny.
tried our first food, avocado. She was pretty uninterested for the
most part. She ate it but didn't get excited. Avocado on it's own is
pretty bland, but we wanted to start with that so as not to shock her.
When we were giving her the medicine she was quite upset because she
was not used to such a sweet taste (I didn't try it but it smelled like a
sports drink). We wanted to try more foods this past week/weekend but
with the cold we decided against it. Motoaki has voted banana for the
next food which should be fun, though I personally HATE bananas.

feel like I need to be recording stuff and at the same time I am not
bothered enough to. I will say that in her first six months Robin has
been to Osaka, Hiroshima, Miyajima, Tottori, Okayama City, and
Kurashiki. In America she has been in the San Francisco and Denver
airports, and she has visited or at least driven through Iowa,
Minnesota, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.
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