Tuesday, June 25, 2013

New Year's Resolutions: 6 Months In...

So I suck at this.  But maybe posting about it will motivate me...  Maybe...
Below are my New Year's Resolutions and where I stand with each.  It is isn't pretty...

In 2013 I will...
1. Lose weight. Seriously this time. I'm sitting at 75 kg and want to get down to 62. Added to this is to run... something. Thinking a 5k in May at Tottori. Will be consulting Lenny and Maggie for help with this. And will be packing a map this time...
Missed the 5k in Tottori because I wasn't prepared and because I had guest coming the following week and wanted to clean house.  Quite pathetic, but running is not really my thing...  I have lost some weight, but more just to getting further away from having a baby.  Really need to step it up.

2. Keep up with email/mail/and my blog in a timely manner.
Nope- not happening....  Being a stay at home mom meant I was laaaaazy....

3. Document Robin's first year with a scrapbook/baby book. I have a friend who does a page a month and I think I can do that.
I have been taking pictures but haven't printed them out.  But I did make a shutterfly book for the first six months.  That counts... right?

4. Quit being depressed and resentful about motherhood and will start enjoying it. This includes coming to terms at aspects I fail at (BFing) and focusing on things I rock at (CDing, burping).  

OK- now we're getting somewhere.  I have definitely done this.  Though I still do let not being able to bf (we stopped awhile ago) upset me now and then, I am pretty cool with motherhood.  Especially since Robin has become more fun.  Her laughing and being able to interact has helped a lot.  She's actually like a person now.

5. Keep up with book club despite being a new mother.
This I have done as well.  In fact it was my main release for awhile.  Though our group has dwindled in numbers, we have a lot of fun.  And the books have been really good this month.

6. Save and manage my money (and inheritance). Also learn how to file taxes and invest... stuff.
This one I have done ok on.  I actually haven't spent too much because I haven't gotten out much.  Except for my days traveling with Connor and my time in the US, I have been very good about not buying stuff for myself.  I haven't learned how to do the taxes (I am talking about on the money I am getting from my parents) but will do that this summer.

7. Work on training Tom. He is doing ok on the toilet training front but he needs some more basics to keep him safe and us sane.
I can't take credit for it but Tom is doing wonderful.  Mostly due to Motoaki teaching him how to sit, and him just growing up.  He still chews up stuff he finds but as long as you keep him occupied, he is great.

8. Steal the show with my awesome karaoke and dance skills at Mags Stalter and David Weber's wedding.
Wait for it....

9. Have Robin be the best dressed kid at daycare next spring (with large help from Anne Monsma's hand-me downs).
I must admit she rocks it every day, though my taste might not be what others would pick.  She wears a lot of gender neutral clothes that are cute but not traditional.  I love dressing her in cool shorts and t-shirts.

10. Will skype Amy White every (or every other) weekend.
Fail...  but mostly because Grandma can't remember how to use skype.  I do call her once a month though.  But need to get better about that.
Here's to stepping up my game these next six months. 

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