Monday, September 17, 2012

The Wedding

August 11, 2012 was the big day.  Although it didn't feel quite like a wedding considering how busy we were.

To start with we had a baby shower for me in the morning.  I know- what a selfish b*tch!  But to be fair I had planned on having it on the Sunday after the wedding.  Only a lot of people said that they would be leaving EARLY so they would miss it.  Then we thought about Friday night after the rehearsal dinner (since the girls ended up hanging out anyway) but that became a bit of drama between my sister (who was planning the shower) and the bride.  So we decided to have a quick one in my sister's room.

Despite the time change it was really fun.  We did a Sock Monkey theme and the main focus (besides presents) was on a gender reveal.  The night before a lot of rumors and been circulating about what it was but no one knew for sure until they had picked a team (by choosing a ribbon or a mustache) and had put together a puzzle that announced the winner or the looser (the ribbon team had a girl sock monkey and the mustache team had a boy sock monkey).  The girls won (so my grandmother and the Chinese gender predictor were right)! The only one who seemed upset was Maggie as she really wanted to go shopping for little boy things.  I will admit that I think boy clothing is cuter as well (there just seems to be more options for colors).  I got absolutely spoiled with gifts and had a fun time talking with all of the BTDT women.

After that we had just enough time for a quick lunch (Panera) before we had to get ready for the big event.  We got to the church and I visited with Morgan's family before the show started.  Her grandmother (or possibly her great-grandmother or even a great-aunt) was especially excited to talk to Motoaki and I since she does ikebana (Japanese flower arrangement) and Japanese tea-service.  I felt bad because her voice was so soft I could barely hear her (Motoaki didn't even realize when she spoke some Japanese, LOL) and because we didn't have much time.

The actual service was very beautiful but very short.  I am not the sentimental type so I don't really get worked up over weddings (even my own was kind of just like another day for me).  I will say that I was surprised that the only music was a folk rendition of The Lord's Prayer.  A big part of my brother's life has been choir and I would have thought that he would have chosen at least one more song, but I guess it is really the bride's day (lord knows Motoaki didn't really get a choice for our wedding- but part of that was because in Japan they don't usually choose special music for the service).  But it was a nice service and the church was pretty.

The reception was also held at the church and was also short but fun.  They only had two hours for dinner, cake, toasts, and dancing.  Being seven months pregnant only dampened my fun a little bit. My favorite part of any wedding would have to be the dancing but I was afraid to do too much as I didn't want to hurt myself.  If it had been a longer reception I might have been bummed but as it was they only had time for about 7 songs of dancing.  The same with alcohol- I might have felt left out but the church didn't allow alcohol anyway so everyone joined me in sparkling juice.

My brother's old college roommate, Drew, had the best toast, and the bride's step-mother stole the show with her baking of the cake, cupcakes, and cake balls (I am not sure what to call it when you have a small piece of cake on a stick).  Because it was so short there wasn't time for any crazy stories or any big mishaps.  Probably the guest who got the wildest was my cousin Anne's daughter, Betsy.  She is normally a little shy (well, when she is with people she doesn't know) but she was running around on the dance floor like a wild woman with some cute little boy.  I even think she got a kiss.

After the reception we went back to the hotel for drinks in the hotel bar.  Again, nothing crazy.  I spent most of my time with my cousin Johnny, his wife, and their teenage boys.  A lot of people had to get up early for flights or drives the next day so most people turned in early.  I guess when looking back I will always think of my brother's wedding as "short and sweet."

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