Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Pool

My poor blog.  I really haven't forgotten you.  Just been, er, busy.

Anyway, nothing amazing to write about but there have been things that have been sitting on my mind that I thought I would add.  First off, the pool.

About 2 weeks ago I finally got serious and joined the local indoor pool.  I have been there before but had stopped going when I added my second job.  Then, when I finished my second job I got pregnant which made me tired and all ideas of exercise went out the window.  But after looking at my weight and realizing how bad I looked in some photos on Facebook, I decided to get my butt in gear.  I realize that I am pregnant and that it is OK if I am looking heavy, but it is not OK for me to be lazy.

Anyway I can't believe that it took me this long to actually go because the minute I hit the pool it was so refreshing and relaxing.  And easy.  I set up my own routine of swimming 5 laps (250 meters), walking 5 laps, and repeating three times.  I make sure to check my pulse and stop between laps to relax.  But I have had so much energy from it and such a sense of calm.  I usually go right after work and stay for about an hour, giving me just enough time to get home, walk Finn, and make dinner.  Before I spent that hour watching crap TV or using the internet (so that is one reason I haven't been blogging so much).

Of course this is Japan so there are some things that do frustrate me (or maybe this would happen in the states too- I don't know because I haven't been a member of a pool in America since I was like 10).  First off, the old people.  They are all extremely polite to me but they are also in their own worlds.  They walk two or three across and they always seem to be in my way.  Not that I can't share, but it is frustrating to see them standing in the middle of the lane gossiping.  ESPECIALLY when they are in one of the swim lanes.  The pool has about 6 lanes.  One is used for walking, two are used for lessons (kindergarten/elementary/Jr High) and the rest are for swimming.  It makes me so mad when you get three older ladies parked in the middle of a swim lane talking about who knows what.  Korean dramas?  Sales on eggplants?  I don't mind on slow days (once I went with Motoaki and there were only four people total in the pool) but on crowded days when I have other things to do it makes me so angry.  Go to the edge of the pool or the walking lane.  Or just get out of the pool to talk!

The other thing I hate are the lazy over achievers.  These are the older people who will do one really fast, really impressive lap, and then just stand at the end of the lane for about five or ten minutes before doing another.  This wouldn't be so bad if they were to share the lane with someone else, but whenever someone else joins them they seem to get uppity about it.  I understand that they are old and they need to rest between laps.  BUT I am pregnant and still manage to keep my break time between laps to a minimum, or am nice to anyone who joins my lane.  Not that I am a saint, I am just conscious of the fact that there are probably other people that want to do laps as well.  Again, if there are only three people there that day, take your time.  But not when you have four people sharing the lane next to you.

Anyway, so the old people definitely annoy me.  But then on the other spectrum are the little people.  I love kids and I have patience with them.  And when they are in the pool they are great (mostly because they have teachers yelling at them to swim faster and harder).  But when they are in the changing room or in the lobby they are crazy.  They run around, jumping on furniture and playing tag.  I know they are just kids but when I was a kid I went to dance school and waited quietly in the changing room.  The same for piano lessons.  I knew what my mother expected of me and about respect, and I didn't lose that just because she wasn't there to see me.  And the thing is the teachers don't say a thing.  In the pool it's all yelling but out of the pool it's a blind eye.  I can tell the old people get really angry with the little kids and I am always afraid there will be some cross-generation throw-down with myself in the middle.

It would probably be better if I went later at night but I still do get tired and I feel bad since I don't always get to spend as much time with Motoaki or Finn as it is.  If I go right after work Finn doesn't notice (whats another hour to him- and don't worry- he has a toilet and water so he is fine- I usually get home to find him a sleep) and Motoaki isn't home anyway.    So it works out best for me to get it done earlier.  And it's really not that bad, just something I dwell on while swimming laps.  I think because I always hear about rude Americans, but haven't seen this in America.  Maybe its where I am from?

Also, on another slightly off topic note, I read the blog of a woman from New Zealand who has three small children in public school in Japan.  Anyway, all schools in Japan have swimming at school and when she was attending the meeting about safety/rules, she asked about sending sunscreen along with her kids.  She was told that sunscreen was not allowed because it made the pool "dirty."  Obviously she was angry, especially when someone said, "The kids won't burn that bad."  Then some other mothers got on and also commented how it was the same for their children at other kindergartens and elementary schools.  That is so crazy.  I asked Motoaki and he also thought it was crazy, but that he wouldn't know how to go about it if it were a school rule.  I love Japan, but some days...

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