Friday, February 3, 2012

If you're wondering if he'll be a good father, get a dog...

This morning was one of those mornings...  We had a massive snowfall last night so I had set my phone alarm(s) to start going off every five minutes starting from 6:30, so that I would eventually be out of bed by 6:45 at the latest.  I am a morning person but the houses in Japan are FREEZING in the morning.  Literally had frost on the inside of the windows, but more on that in another post.

Added to this was Motoaki's alarm which was also going off every five minutes starting at 6:30.  He needed to be up early because he drives far to pick up people for work, but he was ignoring the alarm as usual.  Most people would be driven insane by this, but we both just kept hitting the off/snooze buttons.  Finn on the other hand was getting a bit restless.  He is actually a little angel when he sleeps with us- never barks, doesn't bite us, hasn't wet the bed, etc but he was definitely awake this morning.

Finally at 6:40 I decided I would get up and get a move on.  I stood up and went to grab Finn when I noticed he was hunched over and getting ready to throw up.  I called out to Motoaki who quickly picked up some kleenex to hold under Finn's mouth so that the puke wouldn't get on the bed.  Good dad move.  He caught the puke but unfortunately, when I pulled the cover up, we could see that Finn had already been sick earlier.

Motoaki is NOT a morning person.  I often have to nag/drag him out of bed.  I know he had wanted to sleep in for another 15 minutes, but being a good dad, he got up and helped me clean the bed without complaint.  I imagined a lot more swearing or groaning, but he was cheerful enough and even said soothing things to Finn.

So I started commenting on how what a good dad he would be and how this was such good practice for the future.  I also said that I was sorry about Finn throwing up, how I shouldn't have given him that greeney (a dog treat) before bed as it was probably what made him so sick.

Motoaki replied by saying, "Hey, it's not your fault.  He ate a lot of plastic before you got home last night."  To which I was like, "WHAT??  Why didn't you grab it out of his mouth?!?"  To which he said, matter of factly, "I don't want to put my hand in his mouth.  Gross!"

So much for being a good father...

Disclaimer- Motoaki didn't just sit and let him eat plastic.  It was already in his mouth and about to be swallowed when he saw.  But still, I would have gone and taken it out.  Guess we know who will be bad cop and who will be good cop...

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! I think it sounds like Finn is good training for him. My dad didn't do any of the "gross" stuff either ;)
